

Matt Nicholson Awarded NPO Consultancy of the Year
Awards Business September 10, 2024

Matt Nicholson Awarded NPO Consultancy of the Year

It’s always a bit surreal receiving an award for work done in a country you love, especially when you’re accepting it from 18,000 kilometers away. Recently, Matt Nicholson, Director of Nicholson + Co, was honored with NPO Consultancy of the.. Read more

Why Evolving Your Brand Name Isn’t a Bad Thing
Business Marketing September 5, 2024

Why Evolving Your Brand Name Isn’t a Bad Thing

If you’ve been in business for as long as we have, chances are you’ve had to make a few changes along the way—whether it’s your service offering, your team, or even your brand name. And let’s be honest, changing your.. Read more

I’ve Got 119 Emails in my Inbox Today: Navigating Through the Clutter
Business Technology August 5, 2024

I’ve Got 119 Emails in my Inbox Today: Navigating Through the Clutter

Ever felt like you’re drowning in a sea of emails, tasks, and notifications? Welcome to the club! In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to find yourself bombarded with a barrage of information, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and scattered. But.. Read more

Dollars and Sense: The Importance of Keeping Tabs on Your Business Budget
Business General August 5, 2024

Dollars and Sense: The Importance of Keeping Tabs on Your Business Budget

In the bustling world of small businesses, where every decision carries weight, there’s one aspect that serves as the financial backbone – your budget. It’s not just a spreadsheet of numbers; it’s a compass guiding your business towards financial stability.. Read more

Diversify or Die: The Power of Spreading Your Business Eggs
Business August 5, 2024

Diversify or Die: The Power of Spreading Your Business Eggs

As a small business owner, it’s tempting to pour all your energy and resources into one basket, especially when you’ve found a strategy that seems to be working. But here’s a piece of advice from the school of hard knocks.. Read more

Middle-earth Magic: The New Lord of the Rings Movie Set to Be Boost for Kiwi Small Businesses
Business August 5, 2024

Middle-earth Magic: The New Lord of the Rings Movie Set to Be Boost for Kiwi Small Businesses

Photo: Part of the Hobbiton Movie Set in Matamata, Waikato – One of NZ’s many LOTR filming locations.

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