
Balancing the Scales: Will FENZ Levy Increases Sting Kiwi Businesses?

Written by Nicholson & Co HQ | Jun 14, 2024 4:00:36 AM
In a move set to redefine New Zealand's business landscape, Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) has announced sweeping alterations to its levy system, slated for implementation from July 2026. While these changes bear considerable implications for businesses nationwide, they've also ignited a robust debate within the insurance industry, prompting calls for a comprehensive overhaul of the current levy framework.

The proposed adjustments, spanning modifications to levy calculations for private and commercial vehicles, alongside property insurance, coupled with the introduction of flat fees across insurance categories, have invited scrutiny from various stakeholders. The shift towards emphasizing fire damage coverage and recalibrated calculations threatens to impact insurance premiums across the business spectrum.

However, it's the projected surge in motor vehicle insurance levies that has elicited widespread concern. With private insurance rates poised to soar from a modest $9.53 to a substantial $40.12 per annum per vehicle for vehicles under 3.5 tonnes, small business owners reliant on transportation infrastructure face a significant financial strain. Moreover, the burden extends to third-party insurance holders, while those without insurance skirt levy contributions, accessing FENZ services at no levied cost.

In response, the insurance industry has emerged as a vocal critic of the existing levy system, advocating for its overhaul in favor of a more equitable and transparent alternative. Industry representatives contend that the current structure disproportionately burdens policyholders and lacks fairness in cost distribution, underscored by FENZ's extensive 39-page document aimed at elucidating the process.

The industry's call for reform underscores broader concerns regarding rising costs impacting New Zealand's small businesses. With operating expenses on the ascent and profit margins under pressure, the prospect of additional financial strain from heightened insurance expenses rings alarm bells among business owners and industry observers.

As stakeholders grapple with the implications of these proposed changes, the imperative for constructive dialogue and collaborative solutions becomes paramount. Small business advocacy groups, alongside industry representatives and policymakers, must engage in substantive discussions to shape feedback into a levy framework that strikes a balance between the exigencies of emergency services and the interests of businesses and the broader community.

In navigating this discourse, businesses are encouraged to remain informed and actively participate in the consultation process. By articulating their concerns and contributing to the development of a fair and sustainable levy system, businesses can play a pivotal role in shaping a future where emergency services are adequately funded without unduly burdening policyholders or impeding economic growth.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand has initiated an open Public Consultation Process, inviting feedback from the public and organizations regarding the proposed changes. Visit here to contribute to the consultation process.