
Why Evolving Your Brand Name Isn’t a Bad Thing

Why Evolving Your Brand Name Isn’t a Bad Thing
Category: Business
Date: September 5, 2024
Author: Nicholson + Co

If you’ve been in business for as long as we have, chances are you’ve had to make a few changes along the way—whether it’s your service offering, your team, or even your brand name. And let’s be honest, changing your business name can feel like picking a new name for a child. It’s exciting, a bit nerve-wracking, and there’s always that moment of, “Will people understand why?”

Here at Nicholson + Co, we’ve had a few name changes over the past 9 years. Okay, maybe more than a few. But each one has reflected a new chapter of our journey—one that’s always been focused on offering the best possible service to our clients.

We didn’t start as Nicholson + Co. In fact, our roots trace back to a small media company called 2SIX Media, where we focused on digital marketing. From there, we became Done Digital, dove into Property Advertising New Zealand, and eventually merged into MOOV New Zealand (which, fun fact, included MOOV Magazine—formerly known as Property Book). Fast forward, we shifted gears again, becoming Taharoto Road Creative, before landing where we are today: Nicholson + Co, an on-demand staffing agency that provides expert staff at a moment’s notice.

Phew. That’s a lot of names. But here’s the thing: each of these names wasn’t just a whim. They represented the focus of the business at the time, the direction we were headed, and, most importantly, the evolving needs of our clients. Every name change was a reflection of growth—just like the businesses we serve.

Why Change Is Good for Business
Many businesses get nervous about changing their name. Will people get confused? Will they still trust us? The truth is, changing a name can actually help clarify who you are and what you offer. It’s not about being inconsistent—it’s about evolving to better reflect where you’re going and how you’re serving your market.

Some of the most successful brands in the world have gone through rebrands or name changes. Think of Google—it started as BackRub (seriously). Or Starbucks, which originally had a much longer and less memorable name. These changes didn’t make them less trustworthy or capable; if anything, they became more recognizable and relevant.

For us, each transition—from media to property advertising to staffing—helped us focus more clearly on our strengths and the value we bring to our clients. What started as a passion for media and marketing grew into a broader range of services, and eventually, into the staffing solutions we’re proud to offer today.

What We’ve Learned Along the Way
We’ve learned a lot through these changes, but perhaps the most important lesson is this: don’t be afraid to evolve. The market changes, your business grows, and sometimes your name needs to grow with it. As long as you’re focused on serving your clients better than ever, change is a good thing.

That’s why we embrace it. At Nicholson + Co, we continue to adapt to the needs of our clients, and we’re more focused than ever on providing top-notch, on-demand staffing solutions that take the hassle out of finding the right people. Whether you knew us as 2SIX Media, Done Digital, or MOOV, what hasn’t changed is our commitment to excellence.

So, should you be afraid to change your business name? Not at all. Just make sure it’s reflecting the evolution of your services, your values, and your clients’ needs. And if you’ve been with us through our many names, thank you for being part of our journey. We’ve got a lot more to offer, and we’re excited to see where the next chapter takes us.

Posted in Business, Marketing
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